Participate from anywhere in the world! Full Wolf Moon Super Moon!
On Monday, January 21, from 9:00 to 10:00 PM ET (the moon reaches full at 12:16 AM Monday January 21), I will be doing a distance Reiki healing session. To participate you can comment or send a private message with your name, using the contact form on the home page. You may add your specific intention if you want to. If you are able at the time of the session to meditate or just relax in a quiet place, that would be great, but it's not necessary. Just let me know you want to be included and I will include you! I'm doing this to support my goal of helping as many beings as possible. 💚 Animals can be included too. 🐕
This event is free and donations are gratefully accepted. - Pay me back using my PayPal.Me link
To amplify the healing I am sending, say the following:
"I welcome any healing for my highest good. I give permission to let go of old patterns that no longer serve me. I ask to be disconnected from unhealthy relationships. I invite what is needed into my life so that I can live my happiest life".