Heart's Desire Hypnosis and Wellness Center is now offering a range of healing guidance services including hypnosis, Reiki-Qigong energy healing, self-empowerment coaching, Qigong classes, card and astrology readings, group activities, and more!
Are you facing any challenges or issues that you'd like to resolve? We are here to offer higher insights and support to help put your mind at ease. Embark on a journey to holistic wellness! Call now!
Are you facing any challenges or issues that you'd like to resolve? We are here to offer higher insights and support to help put your mind at ease. Embark on a journey to holistic wellness! Call now!
It is my goal to guide my clients to self-empowerment and healing.
Call now for your free 15-minute phone consultation.
Purchase your Gift Certificate Online as an e-Gift card using this link:
Purchase e-Gift Card
Or call, email, or text +1 716-404-9750
The e-Gift card can be emailed to you then printed and given to the recipient, or emailed directly to the recipient. The same applies to gift certificates, which can also be printed for you and picked up or mailed.
Note that the duration times listed are for the actual treatments; most appointments last 90-120 minutes to allow extra time for discussion.
Gift cards and certificates are valid for one year from date of purchase.
My YouTube Channel is now Live!
Check it Out: Heart's Desire Hypnosis and Wellness Center
Instructional Inspirational Videos for Qigong, Self Hypnosis, Sound Healing, and more!
Here is the link to the Facebook Group
Primordial Energy
for Smart, Professional Women
Manifesting True Life's Purpose:
Primordial Energy
for Smart, Professional Women
Manifesting True Life's Purpose:
The Leading Group for Smart Professional Women!
Primordial Energy
Providing and Sharing:
~ Encouragement, Sisterhood, Guidance, and Nurturing
~ for Casting Off Imposed Expectations
~ and Gloriously Emerging as Pure Original Selves

♥ What is Your Heart's Desire? ♥
♥ Let Me Help You Achieve It! ♥
♥ Hypnosis Succeeds! ♥
♥ It Is My Goal to Guide My Clients to ♥
♥ Self Empowerment ♥
♥ I Help Ordinary, Everyday People With Ordinary, Everyday Problems ♥
♥ Using Individual Hypnotic Techniques ♥
Offering Hypnosis, Personal Empowerment Coaching,
Guided Meditation and Instruction, Reiki and Qigong Energy Healing,
Reiki and Qigong Instruction, and More!
Hypnosis and Healing Sessions
by Appointment on Zoom and at:
Heart's Desire Hypnosis and Wellness Center
168 Robinson Street, Suite 5
North Tonawanda, NY 14120
Joanna Zoe Christopher, CH RMT
founder/owner of
Heart’s Desire Hypnosis and Wellness Center
Phone: +1 716-404-9750
Email: HeartsDesireHypnosis@gmail.com
Website: https://www.HeartsDesireHypnosis.com
I also travel to other locations such as workplaces, wellness centers, schools, homes, spas, etc.
Remote (Distance) Sessions Held by Zoom (free video conference) or Video Call!
You can book an appointment using this link:
Book Appointment Now!
About Heart's Desire Hypnosis and Wellness Center:
Joanna Zoe Christopher is the founder and hypnotist for Heart's Desire Hypnosis and Wellness Center. She is a certified consulting hypnotist (CH) with the National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH) and a member in good standing with ten years experience. She abides by the NGH Code of Ethics and the laws of New York State. She is also certified in multiple hypnosis techniques and a variety of applications. She is a certified HypnoCoach™ (HC) by Lisa Halpin, is certified in Sheila Grainger’s Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis technique, Wendy Packer's Hypnotic Charisma and Hypnotic Beauty, Arthur Fecteau's HypnoSynergetics™ and Hansreudi Wipf's HypnoWaving Process (a version of EMDR). She is currently developing new hypnosis and coaching programs tailored to meet the needs of each client. She works with adults and children to improve their lives.
Each private session is personalized and conducted by Joanna. She personally prepares your session based on an in-depth conversation with you about your desired change and related factors. This preparation can take a few hours. She does not put you in a room and give you a recording and a light and sound machine and come back at the end, as some large hypnosis centers do! At Heart's Desire Hypnosis you get an individualized 90-minute private session that includes about a half hour of discussion so that your hypnosis is targeted to your immediate needs. Semi-private sessions are also offered for common issues such as smoking cessation, stress relief, and weight loss. Sessions are also available remotely by video conferencing on Zoom or other applications. Zoom is a free videoconferencing application that is simple and easy to use. Joanna provides hypnosis for the SUNY West Buffalo students, faculty, and employees through the Perks program.
Joanna is continuously learning, gaining practical techniques and certifications to better serve her clients. She is a certified Qigong instructor with WNY Qigong Academy of Qi and will soon have her NQA (National Qigong Association) Certification. Qigong is an ancient Chinese form of exercise working with energy and is very gentle and easy for anyone to practice. Joanna is certified in several energy healing techniques, including Medical Qigong Level 1, Arthur Fecteau's HypnoSynergetics, Gyomber's SAEFET (Simplified Assisted Energy Field Enhancement Technique) and Assisted Karmic Cleanse as well as Reiki for People and Animals. She incorporates sound healing into her Reiki sessions using Himalayan singing bowls as appropriate. She is a minister of the Universal Life Church (non-denominational).
Individual and Semi-Private Hypnosis Consultations
Hypnosis succeeds in overcoming obstacles and fears, changing habits, and improving your life!
I will create a specific program to suit your needs. Contact me for specific details.
Call, email, or use the Contact Form below.
I'd love to talk with you and set up an appointment to help you achieve your heart's desire! Free 15-minute consultation!
It is my goal to guide my clients to self-empowerment!
I promise not to make you cluck like a chicken (unless you want me to!)
(See Events Page for Details)
♥ Feel Your Qi! ♥
Qigong for Wellness Class
Saturday Afternoons (2 PM EST) and Thursday Evenings (7 PM EST)
in person and online with Zoom - Your first class is free!
Memberships Available - best value!
Wednesday Mornings (10:30 AM, Zoom only)
Via Breast Cancer Network of WNY - Free {Click here}
♥ Open Reiki Share ♥
First Tuesday of the Month -
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
7-9:30 PM EDT
♥ Free Full Moon Distance Reiki ♥
Energy Healing - Saturday, July 20, 2024
9-10 PM EST
♥ Higher Insights Saturday ♥
Readings and Healings with Guest Readers
Erika Hamann and Rev Carrie Sherman
Second Saturday of the Month - on Summer break,
we'll be back in the fall!
10 AM-1 PM EDT
♥ Sophia: Wisdom Circle ♥
Fourth Monday of the Month - Monday, June 24, 2024
7-9 PM EDT
♥ Afternoon Retreat! ♥
Sunday, September 22, 2024
12-5 PM EDT
♥ Aura Light Book Club ♥
A book club with a spiritual focus.
Sunday, September 15, 2024
The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield
2-4 PM EST
♥ Reiki Level I (Shoden)
Certification Class♥
Sunday, TBD, 2024 11 AM - 5:30 PM EDT
♥ Reiki Level II (Okuden)
Certification Class♥
Sunday, TBD, 2024 11 AM - 5 PM EDT
♥ Reiki Level III (Shinpiden -
Master Teacher) Certification Class♥
TBD, Sunday, TBD 2024 11 AM - 5:30 PM EDT
♥ Personal Empowerment Coaching ♥
(by appointment)
♥ Discover Your 5 Unique Core Values ♥
♥ Guided Hypnotic Meditation ♥
(Workshops available in person/online upon request - scheduling required)
See Events page for details.
HypnoCoaching (TM) - Intentional Living through Personal Empowerment !
Get to know yourself better, create the right goals for YOU, and I will help you achieve them as I become your personal advocate!
First two long in-person sessions followed by weekly telephone and/or in-person consultations, including success coaching and hypnosis. Learn who you REALLY are by determining your Core Values, balance the different areas of your life, set SPECTACULAR goals for yourself, and use this information to turbo charge your success in life! I will help you determine and achieve your chosen specific and targeted goals, then motivate and encourage you to make continuous progress. Your new-found insights about yourself and my unconditional advocacy make YOUR success inevitable. I will use hypnotic techniques to overcome any obstacles to your success.
Be Smoke Free for Life!
This program consists of two or three consecutive one hour weekly hypnosis sessions where your smoking habit will be reprogrammed into a smoke free lifestyle. You will enjoy fresh, clean air and water and find yourself free from any desire for those nasty old expensive cigarettes! In fact, you will find cigarette smoke repulsive. This program is also adapted to vaping and chewing tobacco.
Get to know yourself better, create the right goals for YOU, and I will help you achieve them as I become your personal advocate!
First two long in-person sessions followed by weekly telephone and/or in-person consultations, including success coaching and hypnosis. Learn who you REALLY are by determining your Core Values, balance the different areas of your life, set SPECTACULAR goals for yourself, and use this information to turbo charge your success in life! I will help you determine and achieve your chosen specific and targeted goals, then motivate and encourage you to make continuous progress. Your new-found insights about yourself and my unconditional advocacy make YOUR success inevitable. I will use hypnotic techniques to overcome any obstacles to your success.
Be Smoke Free for Life!
This program consists of two or three consecutive one hour weekly hypnosis sessions where your smoking habit will be reprogrammed into a smoke free lifestyle. You will enjoy fresh, clean air and water and find yourself free from any desire for those nasty old expensive cigarettes! In fact, you will find cigarette smoke repulsive. This program is also adapted to vaping and chewing tobacco.
EnLightenMe! (Physical and Emotional Weight Release)
This customized program consists of three to eight sessions, beginning with installation of the Virtual Gastric Band, and includes customized sessions focused on activity, food choices, portion control, eating in restaurants, parties, holidays, self esteem and self confidence, your personal emotional blocks, as needed for each individual client.
Manage Your Stress with Self Confidence
This program includes instruction in self-hypnosis and hypnosis for self confidence and stress management. One session or multiple sessions.
This program includes instruction in self-hypnosis and hypnosis for self confidence and stress management. One session or multiple sessions.
♥ Heart’s Desire Hypnosis and Wellness Center♥
Phone: +1 716-404-9750
Email: Hypnotist@HeartsDesireHypnosis.com
Website: http://www.HeartsDesireHypnosis.com
Phone: +1 716-404-9750
Email: Hypnotist@HeartsDesireHypnosis.com
Website: http://www.HeartsDesireHypnosis.com
Click the link below for information about full moons - because I love the moon!
Old Farmer's Almanac Full Moon Names
Old Farmer's Almanac Full Moon Names